In today’s world, there is a high percentage of individuals that avoid dining out because of the inconveniences that come with having food allergies. Many distrust restaurants’ staff to properly understand their condition and safely prepare their food allergen-free. The dining experience can be seen as a two-way street: customers hope that a restaurant will take the proper precautions with regard to their dietary restrictions, while waitstaff expect food-allergic customers to alert them of any condition(s) they may have. The idea behind FARE FIXINGS was to mend this bridge by providing dietary information cards to restaurant staff in order to assure safety and maintain communication between consumer and vendor. Food-allergic patrons should feel just as comfortable dining out as anyone else, knowing that a restaurant’s staff can fully understand and work safely around their dietary restrictions. 

 For my thesis project, I have created a fictitious company that creates customized allergy kits for food-allergic individuals. Within each kit is personalized dietary information cards, transparent protective casings, a wristlet lanyard for portable attachment, an instructive booklet for additional information, and complimentary stickers. My design concept was to take a serious, and often-overlooked, subject and transform it into a more relevant and ebullient conversation. Ultimately, the goal behind my project was to use my branding and design skills to both enlighten the general public on the growing prevalence of food allergies and also to help those with food allergies have a more enjoyable and stress-free dining experience.
